Student Conduct

Our campus and our community have standards. We’re here to make sure every ‘Cane understands their own responsibility.

By efficiently responding to breaches of policy we seek to educate students on the importance of accountability. Our conduct process are structured to provide ample opportunity for all parties to learn and grow from the process where possible.

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is the basis for our standards of conduct. These policies help us ensure a consistent and efficient approach when handling student conduct cases.

If you have a question about a policy or wish to learn more about the disciplinary process you can contact our office.

Policy Highlights

This policy relates to the possession, use , and distribution of alcoholic beverages by all students and student organizations. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES POLICY

The policy outlines the definition of hazing. ANTI-HAZING POLICY

This policy outlines the University’s stance regarding bias-related incidents at the University of Miami. UM BIAS INCIDENT DEFINITION

This policy defines freedom of expression on our campuses and outlines the steps students and student groups need to take to demonstrate on campus.

This policy relates to the possession, use, and distribution of all drugs. DRUG & DRUG PARAPHERNALIA POLICY

This policy governs behavior related to academic coursework. HONOR CODE

This policy defines the university’s position on providing equal opportunity for all students and prohibiting discrimination. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY

This policy governs the behavior related to Sexual Misconduct and outlines the process related to reporting and adjudicating relationship violence and sexual misconduct. SEXUAL MISCONDUCT and GENDER DISCRIMINATION

This policy defines the prohibition of smoking devices on the Coral Gables Campus and the Miller School of Medicine. ANTI-HAZING POLICY