Ask a Manager

here’s a template to make writing cover letters easier

by Alison Green on April 18, 2022

I recently received this letter from a reader:

I wanted to add another chorus to the thank you’s for your straightforward cover letter advice. I am a reasonably strong and fast writer, but for some reason always used to get futzed over a cover letter. Now I can bang out a high quality one in an hour, or even less! Your templates of favorite cover letters helped me extrapolate “genre rules” and ideal lengths for how to write my own cover letters. I have applied to a few gigs so far since learning those rules, and have gotten at least one call back pretty much every time.

If you’re curious to see how I used it, this is a sample doc I made myself where I tried to pull out the themes across several examples, and start with notes about the gist of how I want each section to go, and then I write it out, and edit it until it’s succinct enough. (I tend to be overly verbose.) And by including samples from multiple letters, I protect myself against being overly derivative of any one letter.

This writer generously agreed to let me share her template with readers here, and it’s below. Some notes:

Cover Letter Template

Paragraph 1: (37-44) (I am excited to apply because I am a person)

Paragraph 2: (78-96)

Paragraph 3: (75-93) (I also work in X groups of my own accord)

Paragraph 4: (67-81) (Beyond these examples, I also have my background in X)

Paragraph 5 + 6: (79-97) (This job suits me well because)

I’d be thrilled with the opportunity to learn more about this internship, and would love to talk to you about the contributions I can make at the Mars Agency. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.

I look forward to speaking with you to learn more about your organization, and the career opportunities it offers me, as well as how my skills can help Stewpot Enterprises succeed. Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for your consideration,

In addition to the sample cover letters pulled from in the template above, you can find more sample cover letters here: