Knox County, ME

The Knox County Hazard Mitigation Plan is a multi-jurisdictional plan which satisfies requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, sets mitigation strategies, describes municipal concerns and identifies potential municipal mitigation projects. Adoption of the plan by each participating municipality individually is a prerequisite for a variety of mitigation related federal grants.

What is it?
This is a multi-jurisdictional plan that when adopted by your municipality, becomes its municipal Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is a five-year planning document which has customized information provided by your town. Participation by your town establishes eligibility for federal mitigation monies under several grant programs. We look at all natural hazards and discuss prior events including specific events and disasters that have affected Knox County, but only the hazards which are the most severe and most likely are fully profiled and ranked.

Below are the 2019 plan components. Click on the links below to view (opens in a new window)

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2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 15 documents