100 Idioms: Meanings & Examples

Here are 100 common English idioms with meanings and example sentences:

1. A blessing in disguise

2. A dime a dozen

English idioms examples: <a href=A dime a dozen" width="300" height="200" />

3. All ears

4. All in the same boat

5. Barking up the wrong tree

6. Beat around the bush

7. Bite the bullet

8.Bury the hatchet

100 English idioms with examples: burying the hatchet

9. By the skin of your teeth

10. Call it a day

11. Cold feet

100 English idioms with examples: cold feet

12. Cost an arm and a leg

13. Cry over spilled milk

14. Cut corners

15. Drive someone up the wall

16. Silver lining

17. Face the music

18. Get a taste of your own medicine

19. Get the ball rolling

100 idioms and examples: get the ball rolling

20. Give someone the benefit of the doubt

21. Go the extra mile

22. Hit the nail on the head

100 idioms and examples: hit the nail on the head

23. In the heat of the moment

24. It’s a piece of cake

25. Keep your chin up

100 idioms and examples: keep your chin up

26. Kill two birds with one stone

27. Let the cat out of the bag

28. Like a fish out of water

29. Make a long story short

30. Miss the boat

31. Not my cup of tea


32. On cloud nine

33. Once in a blue moon

34. Out of the blue

35. Over the moon

Over the moon = extremely happy

36. Pull someone’s leg

37. Put the cart before the horse

38. Raining cats and dogs

Raining cats and dogs = raining very heavily

39. Not ring a bell

40. Rule of thumb

41. Shoot yourself in the foot

42. On the fence

Sitting on the fence = undecided

43. Skeletons in the closet

44. Take a rain check

45. The ball is in your court

46. The best of both worlds

47. Show someone the ropes

48. The whole nine yards

49. Through thick and thin

50. Throw in the towel

51. Turn a blind eye

52. Under the weather

Under the weather = Feeling sick

53. Off The Hook

54. Up in the air

55. When it rains, it pours

56. Wrap your head around something

57. Throw someone for a loop

58. At the drop of a hat

At the drop of a hat = immediately

59. At the end of your rope

60. Pipe down!

61. Cross that bridge when you come to it

62. Drop the ball

63. Elephant in the room

64. Get off on the wrong foot

65. Go down in flames

Go down in flames = Fail spectacularly

66. Go with the flow

67. Hang in there

68. In hot water

69. Jump on the bandwagon

70. Kick the bucket

Kick the bucket = die

71. Swallow something hook, line, and sinker

72. Show your true colors

73. On thin ice

74. Play it by ear

75. Save your breath

76. Steal the show

77. Take it with a grain of salt

Take it with a grain of salt = Not completely believe it

78. clear as mud

79. jump the gun

80. get your wires crossed

Get your wires crossed = Have a miscommunication or misunderstanding

81. Throw caution to the wind

82. Lose your touch

83. Off the chain

84. Eyeball it

85. Spice things up

86. Bring home the bacon

Bring home the bacon = Earn money to support a family

87. Nip something in the bud

88. The last straw

89. A whole new ballgame

90. Burn the midnight oil

Burn the midnight oil = Stay up very late, usually working or studying

91. Between a rock and a hard place

92. Play devil’s advocate

93. Put your foot in your mouth

94. Get a grip

95. Piece of work

96. Put someone on the spot

Put someone on the spot = ask someone a difficult question in front of others

97. a night owl

98. has seen better days

99. get bent out of shape

100. Play your cards right

Now you know 100 common idiomatic expressions and their meanings. I hope these idioms + examples are helpful!

You’ll learn lots more idioms & examples in my 300+ Idioms Course!

This course is an EFFECTIVE way to learn and practice common idiomatic expressions in the English language. It’s not just a list of idioms – instead, each lesson helps you learn the expressions more actively.

The lessons start by showing you examples of idioms in sentences, and you’ll try to guess what they mean from the context. Then, you can watch a video where I teach the idioms’ meanings. Next, try a quiz to see how well you remember the idiomatic expressions. Finally, there are short-answer questions to help you practice using these common idioms yourself – and you can get feedback and correction from an Espresso English teacher!