Fillable Curricular Practical Training Agreement Form1 31 2018 (University of Central Missouri)

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Curricular Practical Training Agreement Form1 31 2018 (University of Central Missouri)

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1/ 31 /201 8 , P age 1 Curricular P ractical Training Agreement F orm Student Information Student name (L AST/FAMILY, and F irst /Given n ame): Employer I nformation Comp any N ame: Employer A ddress: Employmen t Start Date: Employmen t End D ate:

St udents, em ployers, a cademic department s and D SOs will a ll be r esponsible fo r r eviewing th e fo llowing

i nformation and a biding b y all p olicies c ontained within this CPT Agreement Form. Definition of CPT

tuden t m a y be author iz ed b y a Des ignate d School O ff icial ( DSO) , ot her wis e know n as an I nternati onal Stud ent Advisor , t o

participat e in a c urricu lar pr ac tical trai ning (CPT ) pr ogr am t hat i s an integra l par t o f an establis hed cur ricu lum. C ur ricul a r p rac tica l

traini ng is d ef i ned to be a lternat iv e work /stud y, i nternsh ip, c ooper ativ e educ ation, o r an y oth er t yp e of r equired i nt ernship or

practicum t hat i s of fer ed by s ponsori ng em ployers t hro ugh co operati v e agreem ents w ith the sc hool. A s tu dent m a y be gi n

curric ular pr actic al t rain in g onl y af ter r ece iving hi s or h er For m I - 20 with the D SO end or sem ent. [ Regu latio n c itation: 8 CFR

Eligibility Requirements • The student m ust c urrently be i n valid F -1 s tatus.

• The student m ust hav e been enroll ed i n a full c ourse of s tudy f or at l east on e full a cademic year. E xceptions t o the on e

academic year of enr ollment bef ore CPT may be available f or gr aduate students t hat r equire immediate participation i n

CPT . Additional documentation is required for this exception. • I ntensiv e English Program students do not qualify for CPT . • The student m

ust b e in good academic s tanding ( 2. 0 minimum G PA f or under graduate students, a nd 3.0 minimum G PA for

gr aduate s tudents).

• The student m ust hav e additional required classes r emaining to c omplete. CPT i s n ot available to s tudents w ho have

met al l p rogram requirements.

• The training must b e an integral part of an established c urriculum. CPT i s a cademic i n n ature, i t is n ot to b e u sed fo r

any o ther reason. • The training must b e directly related t o the student's m ajor ar ea of s tudy. • The student m ust receive course c redit for CPT participation.

The academic departments will upload documentation to Xtender as proof that students are meeting academic

attendance requirements for CPT course enrollment. Documentation may include but is not limited to pay stubs, regular

employer/student evaluations, and attendance logs.

• The student m ust c ontin ue to make normal pr ogress t oward degree completion while par ticipati ng in CPT.

• The student m ust c ontin ue to enroll i n a full c ours e of s tudy dur i ng CPT i n the fall and spring semesters.

o Undergraduate students m ust enr oll i n 12 credit h ours, un less appr oved for r educed cours e load for t he final

o Graduate s tudents m ust enr oll i n 9 credit ho urs, un less appr oved for a reduced course load for t he final s emester.