EHIC: European Health Insurance Card explained

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) allows citizens from the EU/EEA and Switzerland to access healthcare when traveling within the EU. What are the procedures for EHIC application and EHIC renewal?

European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card – or EHIC – is a vital card for European citizens and residents traveling within any member country of the European Union (EU). After your EHIC applying, you can take your EHIC to any public doctor or hospital in an EU member country and receive healthcare for free or at a reduced cost.

Since 2004, the EHIC simplified the procedures for Europeans receiving medical assistance during travel in another member state by offering health insurance coverage. Your European Health Insurance Card allows you to receive healthcare on the same conditions as a local.

There are some restrictions to what healthcare you can claim using your EHIC, however. They typically void coverage of treatments that are non-urgent, for instance. Therefore, it’s important to understand the conditions of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before you travel. Make sure you start the EHIC application or EHIC renewal process with adequate time before you travel. In most cases, the local health provider or insurer in your country of residence is the first point of contact.

This guide explains what you need to know about the EU health card, including EHIC conditions, what the European medical card covers, the EHIC application process, and EHIC renewal.

This guide to the EHIC explains: