Formatting an Acting and Modeling Resume for 2024

As an actor or model, your resume is your calling card. Your resume is what casting directors and agents use to decide whether or not to bring you in for an audition or interview. This is why it’s critical to have a well-formatted, professional-looking resume that showcases your skills and experience.

Importance of a well-formatted resume

A well-formatted resume is essential because it helps you stand out from the crowd. A professional-looking resume shows that you are serious about your career, that you care about details, and that you have the skills and experience to do the job.

Basics of resume formatting

The basics of resume formatting include using a clear and easy-to-read font, organizing your information in a logical manner, and highlighting your strengths and achievements. Your resume should be visually appealing, with a clean and modern design that reflects your personality and style.

Common mistakes to avoid

There are several common mistakes that actors and models make when formatting their resumes. These mistakes include using a font that is too small or difficult to read, including irrelevant information, and failing to highlight their strengths and achievements. It’s also important to proofread your resume carefully and check for any typos or errors.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a professional-looking acting and modeling resume that showcases your skills and experience, and helps you stand out from the competition.

Header and Contact Information

When it comes to formatting an acting and modeling resume, the header and contact information section is vital. This is the first part of your resume that casting directors or agents will see, and it’s important to make a good and memorable first impression. In this section, you’ll need to include your name, address, phone number, email, and website (if you have one).

Proper Font and Size for Your Name

Your name should be the most prominent part of your header, and it should stand out. You want the casting director to remember your name long after they’ve put your resume down. To achieve this, use a font that is easy to read and stands out, but don’t go overboard with it. Avoid using too many fonts or flashy designs that may make your resume look unprofessional. Use a font size that is larger than the rest of your resume, but not too big that it’s overwhelming.

Contact Information to Include

As mentioned, your contact information should include your address, phone number, email, and website. It’s important to include all of these details so that casting directors can easily contact you. Make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date. If you’ve recently moved or changed phone numbers, make sure to update this section of your resume accordingly.

How to Arrange Contact Information and Why it Matters

The order in which you arrange your contact information matters. There are different schools of thought on this topic, but the most common approach is to start with your name at the top, followed by your phone number, email address, and website (if you have one), and then your address at the bottom.

The reason for this order is to put the most important information first. Your name is the most critical component of your resume, followed by your phone number and email address, which are the quickest and easiest ways for casting directors to contact you. Your website (if you have one) can showcase more information about you, such as your portfolio, headshots, and past work. Lastly, your address is essential to have on your resume, but it’s not as crucial as the other information.

Properly formatting your header and contact information section is crucial for an effective acting and modeling resume. Use a font and size that stands out for your name, include accurate and up-to-date contact information, and arrange the details in an order that puts the most crucial information first. Doing so will increase your chances of getting noticed and called in for auditions.

Objective (Optional)

An objective statement is a brief section at the top of a resume that highlights a candidate’s career goals and objectives. It usually consists of one or two sentences that convey the type of job or position the candidate is seeking.

Including an objective statement has its own set of pros and cons. The main advantage of including an objective statement is that it provides the recruiter or hiring manager with a clear idea of the candidate’s career aspirations. However, if the objective statement is too narrow or too broad, it can hinder the candidate’s chances of being considered for other positions.

When writing an effective objective statement, it is important to keep it concise and focused on the specific job or industry at hand. Use strong, action-oriented language that conveys your enthusiasm for the position and your commitment to success. Be sure to tailor your objective statement to each job you apply for, and avoid generic statements that could apply to anyone.

Including an objective statement in your acting or modeling resume can be helpful, but it should be written carefully and with intention. By following these tips, you can create an effective objective statement that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job of your dreams.

Summary (Optional)

A summary section in a modeling and acting resume is not mandatory, but it could be beneficial for those who have several years of experience and accolades to share. This section is a brief introduction of the actor/model’s background, skills, and career objective.

A summary section differs from an objective statement in that the latter is only useful for inexperienced talent seeking their first acting/modeling job. On the other hand, a summary highlights significant achievements made throughout years of experience. It must convince casting directors that the applicant has what it takes to get the role they are auditioning for.

To write an effective summary section, begin with a clear understanding of the skills, experience, and unique selling points that distinguish a candidate from the rest. This should involve analyzing the type of jobs being applied for and relevant skills required for each role.

A summary section should only contain sentences that are straightforward, concise, and informative. Irrelevant information should be omitted. It must be catchy, interesting, and easy to read. Also, the section should start with an impressive summary statement that captures the reader’s attention.

Ultimately, the summary section must show why the talent is the right fit for the job. It must highlight the actor/model’s notable productions, professional training, unique abilities, and aspirations. It must be no more than 5-6 lines and should not create confusion for the director. Writing an effective summary section is a crucial element of a modeling/acting resume that can make a candidate stand out from the rest.

Experience Section

When listing your experience, it is important to follow a proper order to make it easy for potential employers or agents to read. Here is an example order to consider:

  1. Professional experience: List any professional acting or modeling jobs you have had including the project name, character name, and production company.
  2. Training and education: Include any relevant education or training programs, such as acting workshops or a degree in performing arts.
  3. Skills: List any special skills or talents you possess that are relevant to acting or modeling, such as singing, dancing, or martial arts.
  4. Volunteer work: If you have volunteered for any productions or events, be sure to list them as they can demonstrate your commitment and dedication.

When describing your experience and skills, it is important to be specific and highlight your accomplishments. For each listed experience, include a brief description explaining your role and what you contributed to the production. Avoid generic statements or job descriptions and instead focus on what makes you unique and valuable.

When it comes to what to include and what to leave out, focus on relevant experience that showcases your talent and fit for the role you are applying for. It is not necessary to list every project you have been a part of, but rather select those that make you stand out and demonstrate your abilities.

Use clear and concise language, and consider enlisting the help of a proofreader or mentor to ensure your resume is polished and professional.

Education Section

Your education section on your resume is a vital part of your actor and model resume. This section shows your level of education and any skills that you may have developed while in school that could be relevant to your current pursuits. Here is what you need to know about listing relevant education, proper formatting of education listings, and how to list incomplete degrees and degrees in progress.

Listing Relevant Education

It is essential to list only relevant education credentials on your acting and modeling resume. If you have a degree in performing arts or a related field, make sure to include it. If you have taken any relevant coursework or attended workshops or training, make sure to list those as well.

Remember, your education section should be concise and easy to read. Only list the most relevant degrees and courses to the positions you are applying for.

Proper Formatting of Education Listings

Make sure to use a consistent format when listing your education credentials. Always start with the degree or certification name, followed by the institution, and the date of graduation. Use bullet points to make the section easier to read.

Here is an example of properly formatted education listings:

How to List Incomplete Degrees and Degrees in Progress

If you have started a degree but have not yet completed it, you can still list it on your resume. Be honest about your status and make sure to note that the degree is incomplete. One way to do this is to list the degree as follows:

If you are currently pursuing a degree, list it as follows:

It is essential to note that listing an incomplete or in-progress degree is optional. If you choose not to include it, be prepared to explain why during an interview.

The education section of your acting and modeling resume is an influential piece of your personal brand. Properly formatting your education listings and only listing relevant education can help showcase your skills and achievements while also making your resume easy to read. Additionally, listing incomplete degrees or degrees in progress is optional but can also help your chances of being considered for relevant positions.

Training Section (Optional)

As an aspiring actor or model, it is essential to showcase your training and educational background in your resume. Listing your training and workshops not only highlights your dedication to honing your craft but also demonstrates your potential to work with diverse creative teams.

The Importance of Listing Training and Workshops

In a highly competitive industry, it is crucial to set yourself apart from the crowd. You may have developed acting or modeling skills from different sources, including coursework, workshops, or private coaching. Highlighting these skills in your resume helps casting directors, agents, or producers understand your level of commitment and experience. Moreover, your training and workshops can reveal your flexibility and versatility as an artist, which can increase your chances of being hired.

How to Format Training Listings

When listing your training and workshops, follow this basic format:

Make sure to order your training listings chronologically, starting with your most recent training. Limit your training and workshops section to a maximum of five listings, selecting only those courses most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Examples of Relevant Training to List

Here are some relevant training and workshops you can consider adding to your resume:

Remember that your training and workshops section should only include the courses most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Skills Section

When it comes to creating an acting and modeling resume, listing relevant skills can make all the difference. This section not only showcases your strengths but also helps casting directors and agents quickly assess if you are the right fit for the role they are looking to fill. In this section, we will explore how to list relevant skills, provide examples of skills to include, and discuss the best ways to format this section.

How to List Relevant Skills

When listing your relevant skills, it’s important to consider the role you are applying for and tailor your skills accordingly. Start by reviewing the job description and highlighting the key skills and requirements they are looking for. Then, focus on highlighting the skills that you possess that match those requirements.

It’s also important to list your most important skills first. This draws attention to your strengths and makes it easier for casting directors and agents to quickly assess your abilities. Try to list at least five to seven skills, and be sure to use industry-specific language and professional terminology so that you come across as knowledgable and competent.

Examples of Skills to Include

Here are some examples of the types of skills you might want to consider including in your acting and modeling resume:

Best Ways to Format this Section

When formatting your skills section, consider using bullet points to help draw attention to your most important skills. You may also want to consider dividing your skills into categories, such as Acting Skills, Modeling Skills, Dance Skills, and Technical Skills, to make the section more reader-friendly.

Be sure to use a clean, easy-to-read font and keep your descriptions brief and to the point. Lastly, consider including your skills section at the top of your resume, so it’s the first thing casting directors and agents see when reviewing your application.

The skills section of your acting and modeling resume is a crucial component of your application. By listing your relevant skills clearly and concisely, you increase your chances of getting noticed and land the role that’s right for you.


As an aspiring actor or model, including a photo on your resume is a crucial element. Photos can help casting directors or agents visualize your look, which can impact whether or not you will be called in for an audition. However, it is important to note that not all resumes require photos, and there are certain guidelines to consider when choosing the right photo and formatting it properly.

When to include photos on your resume

Photos are typically included on acting and modeling resumes. If you are seeking a role that requires a specific look, such as a specific age range or physical appearance, including a photo can help showcase that you fit the part. However, if you are applying for a job that doesn’t require a specific look, such as a stage manager or producer, a photo may not be necessary.

Guidelines for choosing the right photos

When selecting a photo to include on your resume, it’s essential to choose one that accurately portrays your look and personality. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

Proper formatting for photo inclusion

When it comes to formatting your photo, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your photo accurately represents you and enhances your chances of landing the role you desire.

Formatting for Different Roles

Your resume should always be tailored to the specific role you are applying for. This is especially important in the entertainment industry where there are different expectations for acting and modeling roles. Here are some tips on how to adjust your resume for each type of role:

Acting Roles

When applying for acting roles, it’s important to highlight your experience in acting and theater. If you have a theatrical agent, make sure to include their contact information. Here are some examples of how to customize your resume for acting roles:

Modeling Roles

If you’re applying for modeling roles, your resume should focus on your physical features and modeling experience. Here are some examples of how to customize your resume for modeling roles:

By adjusting your resume for acting or modeling roles, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed and landing the job. Remember to always tailor your resume to the specific role you’re applying for and highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant.

Example Acting Resume Format

Here is a fully-formatted acting resume for reference, followed by annotations and explanations of the example resume.